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17 tips for eco-friendly sustainable travel business trips

7 min
Posted: 13 April 2021
Man And Woman On Bikes With Reusable Cups

This post was originally written in 2021 and was updated August 23, 2022 to reflect the current travel landscape.

Sustainability matters to travelers. In fact, 83% of global travelers think eco-conscious travel is vital, with 61% saying the pandemic has made them want to travel more sustainably in the future.

Although companies are scrutinizing the necessity of certain business trips and looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, you also have a responsibility as the traveler to make eco-friendly choices.

From the big changes such as energy-efficient cars for road trips, to the smaller swaps like using reusable cutlery (goodbye plastic straws! ), you can equip yourself for responsible travel.

It’s also worth considering that sustainability and responsible travel is more than the environment. It’s about communities and people too. You have the power to make a positive impact wherever you go and support the local people.

Here are 17 tips to help road warriors lighten the impact of their business trips and guide them to becoming an eco-friendlier traveler.

Planning sustainable travel

Making a trip more sustainable starts in the planning phase. Egencia helps travelers make eco-friendly choices by showing their carbon footprint for each stage of an itinerary, along with real-life examples for context. Here are steps you can take while planning to travel sustainably

  • Book a non-stop flight
    Layovers are often cheaper than direct flights, but at a greater cost for the environment. On average, non-stop routes reduce carbon emissions by roughly 100 kg per person compared to the next best connecting option. That is equivalent to the carbon footprint of driving for 250 miles. Not to mention, a layover can add an extra day on the road and the possible loss in productivity, which will always be higher than the extra cost of a direct flight.
  • Book rail instead of air
    Did you know there’s Wi-Fi on most trains? Rail may make more sense for regional journeys and often are less expensive than airfare. Even though rail may be associated as slow travel you can work remotely on the train and avoid the lines at the airport. There are currently so few renewable energy alternatives to traditional jet fuel, and none is expected until after 2030. According to the European Environment Agency, rail travel accounts for 14 grams of CO2 emissions per passenger mile, making it more of a sustainable practice than flights at 158g per passenger mile. In fact, the EPA reports that commercial airplanes and large business jets contribute 10 percent of U.S. transportation emissions, and account for three percent of the nation’s total greenhouse gas production.
  • Choose hotels strategically
    Consider starting a green list of hotels that are committed to decreasing waste production and water waste. There are providers in the travel industry that are leading the way in sustainable tourism and resources available for navigating sustainability standards in lodging. Along with reviewing eco-friendly lodging try to choose a hotel close to the company’s or client’s headquarters or project sites, so you can walk or take public transit instead of having to rely on cars or taxis to get to your destination.
  • Alternative ground transportation
    Choosing a rideshare, like Uber and Lyft, over a cab means the carbon footprint of a ride is distributed among more people. Public transportation is an even more sustainable choice. And nowadays, many cities worldwide have options for bike, electric bike and even scooters to get from one point to another. If you have to rent a car, look into sustainable options like hybrid or electric. Switching up your modes of transportation can help mitigate climate change.

Learn how to implement a carbon neutral program to offset your carbon emissions here.

  • Pack light
    When flying, each pound of baggage adds a burden for additional fuel. You can choose a lightweight suitcase, and pack clothes that are made of lighter materials that they can mix and match. Lightening a bag by 15 pounds can cut 80 pounds of carbon emissions on a long-haul flight, which is roughly the equivalent of planting two trees.
  • Pack toiletries in reusable containers
    Those little containers of shampoo and conditioner take a toll on the environment in numerous ways. Plastics are carbon intensive to make and have significant negative impacts on the environment. Business travelers can help by packing their own toothbrushes and toiletries in reusable containers so they don’t have to use disposable single-use items found at hotels. (Bonus points for using biodegradable soap and shampoo!)
  • Reuse food containers
    Instead of buying a bag of chips or chocolates on the road, which come in not so eco-friendly packaging, travelers can pack their own in reusable bags.
Coworkers Eating Breakfast Outside And Working


Make it a sustainable stay

Responsible travel doesn’t have to end once you arrive at your destination. Here are 10 travel tips you can do to lighten your impact while on the road.

  • Bring a reusable bag
    Plastic bags take around 300 years to decompose. They break down into tiny toxic particles that contaminate the soil and waterways and enter the food chain when animals accidentally ingest them. Tucking a reusable bag into a purse or backpack for items you purchase while traveling means you can take a pass on plastic bags. It’ll lighten your carbon impact and protect natural resources at your destination.
  • Bring a water bottle and coffee cup
    Recycling isn’t always an option and more often than not what you put recycling ends up in a landfall. Researchers estimate that just 9% of all plastic waste ever created has been recycled. It’s no surprise that plastic water bottles are an environmental no-no. Every plastic bottle created takes ¼ bottle of oil to make; the amount of oil it takes to make a year’s supply of bottled water is enough to fuel 1.3 million cars for a year. So, replace single use plastic for reusable bottles and cups.
  • Reusable utensils
    You may already be on top of the plastic water bottle situation, but have you thought about all the plastic utensils you use when you’re on the road? You can bring your own set of bamboo utensils (there are plenty of sets that come with a traveling case) and clean up in soapy water when you get back to your hotel.
  • Reusable straws
    Plastic straws are another common source of plastic. You can find metal or bamboo straws that come with a carrying case and a cleaning wire that’ll easily tuck into a backpack or briefcase. The local ecosystems will thank you in advance.
  • Opt for “Do Not Disturb”
    Laundry accounts for 16% of a hotel’s water usage. Skipping the daily laundering of sheets and towels can make a big difference in your traveler’s environmental impact during their stay.
  • Turn off the air conditioning
    As tempting as it may be to keep the air conditioning or heat running all day, that choice can rack up carbon emissions . Heating and cooling systems account for 40-50% of a hotel’s energy usage. Encouraging your travelers to turn it off when they’re not in their room — and to open the window instead of using air conditioning — can make a difference.
  • Turn off the lights — and computers
    We may be diligent about turning off lights when we’re home, but it’s easy to become more lax when on the road.
  • Eat less meat
    While this tip isn’t exclusively travel related, it’s one to bear in mind when on the road (and when at home). Red meat is nearly 7 times as carbon intensive to produce than vegetables. Cutting out even one meat-centered meal a week can make a big difference.
  • Eat (and drink) local
    Fast food and chain restaurants have higher carbon footprints than local spots sourcing regional ingredients. When you support independent cafés and restaurants, you contribute to the local economy and have the opportunity to learn about the local culture. Plus, you most likely will have better travel experiences.
  • Buy souvenirs from a local source
    We can think local when it comes to souvenirs too. If you’re eager to pick up a memento, consider visiting local businesses rather than buying at a chain or airport souvenir shops. This way you can make a positive impact while supporting local communities.

At Egencia, we can help you take smart, practical steps to build a sustainable travel program that mitigates, reduces and offsets your carbon footprint. Learn more about Egencia’s sustainable travel initiatives here.

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